Shounen Shinkaron Chapter 4

Here ya go the latest chapter of Shounen Shinkaron for your viewing pleasure. This chapter would have been out a bit earlier but lately I have been dealing with a really busy schedule that keeps me from uploading them on time. Also if you like Shounen Shinkaron make sure to show your appreciation in the forum because that’s one of the many purposes of the forums.

Also we are still looking for Translators, Editors, QCers, Cleaners, Proofreaders, and Typesetters also that’s in order of importance at the moment so if you are any of those apply in the forum. Also im keeping this short because this isnt the only release thats coming out today as we have a brand new Narue no Sekai Chapter as well.


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About katimusha

I am the main admin and raw hunter for Overload Scans.
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