Dantalian no Shoka volume 1 || Mediafire
Translator: meepsalot
CLeaners: SuppainoRingo, Audam, Hazama
Typesetters: Whythecake, Hazama

Bobobo 120 || Mediafire
Raws: StrangerAtaru
Translator: StrangerAtaru
Editor: SuppainoRingo
QC: Hazama
We cannot let our translator’s effort go to waste! XP We offer you our version of Dantalian :3
it’s darian no dalian ..
Why it’s dalian and no darian ?
Bobobo! Much appreciated!
I assume you guys are going to continue the manga all the way through to the end. I’ve been waiting to see how the story ends since the anime was canceled. A shame it’ll be a great while before we get there.
Daliane, are you sure ???