First off, my excuses for the delayed Narue release. The busy weekend got me, and I was stuck busy land till today.
Hope you forgive me. A new staffer also cleaned this chapter; – Dutchdude, the newest cleaner. A warm welcome to him!
EDIT: I’m stupid and I missed a page. It’s fixed on the download link and on the reader. Excuses for the inconvenience.
Narue no Sekai 45
Now let’s proceed to the grand opening of our reader
Why another cat you might ask? This is Neko, and she’d kick the ass of the cat below anytime. She’s celebrating with us. This cat is owned by the great coder, Zekas, who helped us setting this reader up. We’d hereby like to thank him a lot for spending his free time working in frustrating codes, removing annoying tables, just so you can view your manga here. I’d also like to thank Dutchdude, Leakingblood and Mokuren for assisting in setting up the reader.
Be sure to thank them all in the comments!
Now without further ado, the link to the reader : CLICK
We highly suggest everyone to either download our manga, or read it there since that will be unresized and in full quality- No compression or whatsoever. If you encounter any problem using the reader please let us know. We’re still in the progress of uploading all our releases there.
And the new Narue is also there of course, so if you don’t want to download it- Here you go: Narue no Sekai 45 Online
Thanks for the release – downloading now!
Puuurrrrfect! We should put up an ‘online reader’ in the navigation 🙂
P.S. My neko-neko will beat the crap out of your nekooooooo!!!11 D:<
meh, my Neko rules 😛 as does our new and awesome reader XD
*Our* Neko, Moku 🙂 And she does rule!
Also, of course the reader rules, else I wouldn’t have released it ^^
Arigatou ^_^
Thanks for the hard work.