It has been mentioned in the previous post- We officially have a new, clean forum now. It looks somewhat different but as we were trying to make it closer to our desired forum appearance , it was wanted. That said, we now need a bunch of new members to fill our forum. All Applicants are put through a rigorous screening process that involves making sure they are willing to talk to us and say things, or post suggestions or anything of the like. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Mr or Miss Anon poster of none and contributor of squat. Go forth, and make an account. You can discuss all kinds of things there, and we’ll get lonely only talking to other staffers there. It’s also a great motivator seeing new members popping up that aren’t spammers or ghost accounts (with a post count of 0). Do you need any more reason? SO CLICK.
On a side note, we also really need a raw provider for the monthly Dengeki Daioh magazine. We’ve been releasing about… 3 series from that magazine if I recall correctly, and every time we’ve had to work with horrible raws that bring our release quality way down and make us look as if we weren’t doing our best. We also need a raw provider for To Aru Majutsu No Index (of monthly shounen gangan), a great project that we really like to work on- but suffer from a severe lack of raws. We can’t even find camera raws. if you can provide us with any of these raw we will be highly greatful and (give you credit if you want) Please contact us at the above mentioned forum or email
Yes people, join! I coded my butt off 😛