Kami-sama no Memo-chou Chapter 06

This, too has been a while. Have you seen the anime? I have…

Random fanart from Pixiv. Yeah. Credits go to Glycyrrhizae. I don’t know him and shamelessly used his art without permission.
Here’s his pixiv page in case you’re interested… Linky


Oh. And a dubloon if you can find Yotsuba.

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4 Responses to Kami-sama no Memo-chou Chapter 06

  1. tko says:

    thanks for the release

  2. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the release!

    Yeah, I’m enjoying the anime so far although to be fair there’s only been the one episode (subbed, at least) so it’s a little hard to judge at this point.

  3. Saracin says:

    Yeah, just watched the first episode and can’t wait for more. Was kinda surprised by the Mr. Big song for the ending lol. Thanks for the new chapter!

  4. Andreas says:

    Kuma Pantsu <3

    thank you!

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