REC 46

Yays! Finally!! A new hero has been born!!
Thank Pelfmiester for translating this chapter! Its been lying for days actually but I failed to notice it D: but anyway this is the start of volume 7. Hopefully we can continue this at a steady rate with our new translator…
Show some luuuuv people! \o/ 😀


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13 Responses to REC 46

  1. Shary says:

    Awesome, thanks for picking this up….

  2. s4gk says:

    Thanx a lot man………………………….:)
    Been waiting for the release for ages.

  3. sbystall says:

    thank you, thank you, thank you…..

  4. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for this – been eagerly awaiting a new chapter of this series!

  5. Lippe says:

    Thanks for this chapter! I really love this series.

  6. Swavvie says:

    Starting from Volume 7? I like that you’re doing the TL though. Keep it up.

    • Pelfmiester says:

      @ Swavie
      XLG already has the first 6 volumes out. I feel more compelled to do something that’s not done and not likely to get done (and 9 months between chapters is close enough to not going to get done). Retranslating the first six volumes just feels pointless. The people out there want the untranslated 5+ volumes.

  7. zen says:

    thanks, been waiting for this.

  8. Cocona Bartel says:

    great, i’ve been waiting for this manga to be continued for so long! Thanks and amazing job!

  9. Neko says:

    thank u guys xD
    love this manga xD

  10. jaycee says:

    Please, don’t drop this manga. Please, continue it till the end…you really gave me hope that i can see how it will end, since chap 44 was realesed almost a year ago. Thank you for your hard work. if only i could help :'(

  11. Fukomaster says:

    Never give up, costume guy is the best, keep up with thr good work

  12. rizkireaper says:

    thank you guys thank you so much
    i really wait this manga for century and now some one took it
    deeply thanks

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