Alyosha! Chapter 15

DONE. On to the next item on my stack…



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8 Responses to Alyosha! Chapter 15

  1. Bungle says:

    Thanks for the new release.

  2. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  3. doki doki says:

    thank you for the new chapter

  4. Zepheris says:

    Katie miku… ok now i’ve seen everything

    • RingoCygnus says:

      To be honest I was more surpised By Katie madoka, with QB…

      • cmertb says:

        I’m so not up to date… I only recognized Evangelion reference.

  5. Hariwald says:

    Arigatou! I needed my Alyosha right about now. 🙂

  6. tart says:

    Ahhhh! I just love this series! It’s just too adorable!~ <3

    And I also couldn't help doing a double take when I saw Miku! Katie and Madoka! Katie with Kyuube xDDD

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