The start of a new arc. An arc filled with NUTRITION!
What is a picture of Stephen Hendry doing here you ask? Well this week also brought some sad news, Hendry quitting snooker. He was always one of my favorite players, but it was sad to see his ranking drop and drop over the years. Cheers Hendry, you ARE a great player.
Also, I’m hoping for a Sullivan vs Maguire final. It would make for a nice game.
Now onto Ajikko stuff.
(Youichi. Why oh why do you ruin your ingredients like that? It’s about taste, you say, yet you mash up the fish? Sigh…)
Whats wrong with Japanese kids? I’ve always loved Fish and Veggies.
Savor it.
Yeah, but did you like Sardines and veggies? The texture of mashed fish would bother me more I think. But I did eat Tuna a la King as a kid…
Thx for working on this yummy series.
Grilled sardines? Awesome. Well yeah I did remove the fish bones. And as a Kid I ate nearly all veggies; perhaps more nurture then nature eh.
Now, I might not be a fan of fish, but I’m willing to suffer through it for more Ajikko!! Always a thrill to see new chapters ^^
Chapter sensational, thanks for the translation.
ps: The index of chapter 50 is already being done? and railgun?
About index: I don’t know. About railgun: As I said before, no raws for us this month because some people decided to keep their raws to themselves. Someone else will bring you railgun this month.