We’re finally there. The end of volume 12 – and this is currently the last volume so we’ve ‘caught up’ I guess.
About volume 13 coming any time soon: Doesn’t look like it, since the author has been on hiatus since just about when volume 12 hit the shelves and apparently he still is… -If you’ve got any info, do share-
A lot of thanks go to Nirpan, who probably spend a mindboggling lot of time fighting with weird sci-fi terms these 11 (most of vol 1 was done by another group) volumes.
Let’s hope the author gets well soon.
We’ve been having very few releases lately, I’ll try to get some stuff done.
Index was done for a while but now it’s been send to rice for QC, so that shouldn’t take too long.
There’s some RKB coming up soon and Joshi.
More editors are always welcome. At the moment it’s me doing everything except typesetting RKB and ef.
Thanks for the new chapter! 😀
thanks a lot for the new chapter 🙂
Many thanks for the release!
Hope the author can get back to working on this series in the near future.
Thanks so much for working on this series!
Sorry if this has been asked before, but does anyone know where to download some of the older chapters? Some of the links were dead.
A lot of chapters can be found here:
If you tell me what you’re missing, I’ll upload it there, I’ve got all chapters of all releases we’ve ever done backed up on a HD.
Sorry for the delay, just saw this now.
Thanks so much! The batch pack contained the missing chapters
My 3 volumes of the Central Park Media releases thank you for catching up on this series.
With luck the author will get back to making new chapters, having waited this long a bit longer will not kill anyone.
Thanks for the release! 🙂
Thanks!! Ah, info:
Yeah, it’s going to end in December 26 :0
Hmm. Shame. Oh well. Guess there’ll be a volume 13 somewhere in 2013, which we probably will scanlate- if there are raws.
Thank you — to everyone, for all your hard work on this title.
I’ve really enjoyed this manga so much, and was so glad to see a group contine it after English publication ceased. Hopefully Sensei will get to writing new material and Overload will once again go into gear with Narue and some point in the future!
Ah, just read the post about Narue ending this December.
Does anyone know how many chapters have been written after Volume 12? (just appearing in the magazine so far?) I wonder if it will just stop, or there will be an actual ending in the story. Hopefully Marukawa-sensei is okay, and just deciding to move on. But it’s been quite a nice, enjoyable trip.
Hope Overload will do their usual fine job when the raws (either single or perhaps a final #13 book?) become available!
I believe something like… 3- definitely not enough to fill a volume at the moment.
Many thanks for those fun and sweet chapters, Overload Scans B A N Z A I.
(Actual missing chapters i believe: 01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-43-44-45-46-47)
Missing chapters in the download links? There’s a pack of 7 ~ 47 in the mediafire. And we didn’t do ch 1-6.
If you want me to give you separate links I’ll get my ass on uploading it all…
BTW guys…
I get a raw of narue with black-hair-teenage tetra in it (only in few latest chapters tetra’s hair turn black) . Unless some doujin writer has amazing copycat drawing ability, i am pretty sure i just got the new chapter of Narue.
What you’re holding is probably the last chapter of Narue yeah. Sounds awesome, can’t wait for volume raws to show up, even though it’ll probably take a while.