Half past nine? It’s Kutsuzure time! (Yes, it’s half past eight. And yes, my timezone is foreignese. And yes, I don’t think the peanut gallery can see when I posted this.)
Good news, CmertB will also start to translate volume two chapters (simultaneously with V1 extras) so we’ll get new content as well soon. Extras this time consists of a calculator, a semaphore and a cool truck.
Apparently these trucks windshields can open… Which is pretty awesome. And dangerous.
Kutsuzure Sensen Chapter 02
And every once in a while we try to drag people into the empty den that is our forum. This time has come again. You can discuss Kutsuzure here! Or just visit the forums and post other cool stuff somewhere else. (Other mangas will get their topics when I release a chapter of it / when requested. Or you can make it yourself)
Thanks! 😀
Thanks a lot for the chapter!! 😀
I can’t dowload the chapter one T_T !! anyway, thanks for the chapter o/
Did you use this link: http://www.mediafire.com/?j0e8aak379cy7al ? I just downloaded it, and it worked fine for me.