We’ve been very slow on this. Truth to be told, we had the translations for this volume for quite a while now.
Anyhow. Link decided to pass the baton to me- he’s currently simply too busy with other things to typeset this.
So here we go. A new chapter. Next one is the last of the volume and will come out somewhat soon (I suspect next week, I have an exam this week). After that, however… no translations.
We do have volume nine scans. Daydream, if you’re reading this- We’re sorry for our slowness. Really. And thanks a lot for translating this volume; still up for translating the rest? Any other translator out there?
I have tons of projects I’d like to work on, but no translators to translate it. So yeah. Recruiting translators in general. Weee.
In all his Whimpy-ness I somehow ended up imagening a psycho-killer Renji from this page on. While he was way cooler, it didn’t work out well…
ef – A fairy tale of the two chapter 47
I can translate chapter 49, which is the conclusion of the Renji/Chihiro arc, but I have no interest in the Mizuki/Kuze story.
Oh, thank you- That’d already be a lot of help;
The series is currently on Hiatus anyway, so we wouldn’t be able to finish the Mizuki / Kuze story.
I’m still trying to contact Daydream for a little bit, but otherwise I’ll try to contact you if you’re still up for it.
Sure, let me know if you want me to translate it.