Ro-Kyu-Bu! Chapter 10

After nearly a year of no RKB releases we can finally present you again with this.
The translator, Hidden Detective, has been going through a rather difficult time and I would really like to commend his unwavering loyalty to the series and its fans by still coming back after all that time, even though he’s still very busy.
Although the releases for RKB won’t be fast for now, we’ll try our best to churn out a new chapter occasionally.
Check out the projects progress sheet thing to see where it’s at!

Courtesy of CatWEax
Ro-Kyu-Bu! Chapter 10


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9 Responses to Ro-Kyu-Bu! Chapter 10

  1. Geese1 says:

    Great to see a new chapter of this – thanks for the release!

  2. gilgamesh says:

    hwaaa ( >\\\<)
    Thank you so much for your hardwork!
    Waaah I'm so happy to see Ro-Kyu-Bu again!
    Please don't exhaust yourself

  3. White-Fox says:

    Thank you for this chapter. I appreciate that Hidden detective, and yourselves as well, is giving time to release this manga.

  4. Name says:

    aww yiss

  5. Momo Doa says:

    Thanks. SOOO MUCH. As long as it doesn’t take more than forever. Your readers always love you!

  6. Andreas says:

    thank youuu!!! my dose of loli for a while. a real nice chapter btw

  7. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  8. Hidden Detective says:

    Thanks Ringo, and everyone else… ^_^ Ah, the feeling of helping out in a release that everyone enjoys, still feels as nice as ever. Haven’t translate for a manga release for about nine months, feels great to be back. With everything stable now, I should be able to maintain a steady pace again.

  9. edo says:

    Thanks a lot !!!

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