Nice chapter… some rest between all the explosions and jumping.

Irc trigger: !LJ22
Little Jumper still hasn’t grabbed me as much as 3×3. Guess it’s just me though.
Nice chapter… some rest between all the explosions and jumping.
Thanks for the new chapter!
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
It also doesn’t grab me as much as 3×3, but it’s still good enough. Maybe the main differences, the depth of the setting and the total length of the series, are to blame for that.
Thank you!
I’m of the same opinion, the characters so far hasn’t stick on my mind much, perhaps because the length of story doesn’t let much character expositions available, even for the MC, he still doesn’t develop much other than “crap i’m falling for my daughter” bit, so he’s pretty much bland generic guy, heck, even Blue Seed’s Mamoru is more memorable, at least the guy has attitude.
And thanks for your hard works as always
I just came here to say thanks. Thanks for translating this gem dude, I thought there was no hope 🙂