Sekai Seifuku Sekirara Jogakukan Chapter 21

Today is SSSJ’s sunday –
Last time our lovely gals were backed in a corner – behind on points, while having to play the tough “Sekirara football”. Will they be able to turn this match around? Will they kick ball(s)? Will Mito return to the good side WITH cookies? We shall see.

Laozi’s famous “If I say this I go against my own wisdom” quotes number many.


I would be thrilled to find another cleaner or editor in our midst! Anyone can learn it – as long as they’re willing to and have the drive to – so please do apply at our forums. I like doing this and all but at the moment I have “Image editing program A” opened everyday, usually for several hours which is a bit more than I’m comfortable with. And I think my production is actually going down – I used to be able to do more in less time. So yeah, any help would be appreciated! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED.

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One Response to Sekai Seifuku Sekirara Jogakukan Chapter 21

  1. vipo says:

    Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂

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