Welcome to our endless white plane. Remember that this gate is the center and that there are no other landmarks to find your way.
-We are aware that the Latin sentence in this chapter is grammatically incorrect. However, that’s how the author wrote it and it’s more recognizable this way, so we decided to leave it-
Or on the IRC channel with !Narue96
If you take a look to the project progress list on the right, you’ll notice that some projects have their translator missing. If anyone would like to translate a listed project for us, that’d be great. Still interested in picking up one of our old ones or even new ones depending on what kind of project it is.
In other words, recruiting translators!
Thank you 😀
W[anti-spoiler-edit], at age of 14?
Kazuto, please.
Thanks for the new chapter!
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂
Thanks for the new chapter! 😀
thanks for the new chapter 🙂