Chapter 98 it says, although it’s… so… short.
We’ve reached the end of this fairly long journey – after three years. Man, it’s been three years already? Time sure flies.
Although I can’t say that Overload has ever really had a ‘main’ project, I did always consider Narue to be the thing closest to that. It was the first real project we had and we kept releasing (somewhat) regularly right up till the end. (Well, there was that short break between v12 and v13 because we had to buy raws.)
First off, I’d like to express my gratitude to Marukawa Tomohiro for drawing this excellent manga. Strange and quirky as it was, he stayed true to himself and turned it from an odd slife of life romcom into a real scifi (I’m looking at you, Yagi). He’s not drawing any new series, but the little birds (no, not Twitter) have told me that he’ll draw a new series about Yongou-chan in 2014. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll certainly be looking into scanlating it.
I also want to thank our loyal Narue translator, Nirpan, for sticking with us for 92 chapters of Narue.
Specifically mentioning him, but of course everyone who worked hard on it deserves some credit. (You guys have no clue how much time went into getting volume 13 as good as it is now.)
I’ll end this boring bit of text with thanking our many loyal commenters for their support, especially Geese1. (This man was there at our first Narue release (ch7) and kept leaving comments on most chapters, all the way up to 97 two weeks ago. I am amazed.) It meant a lot to us all!
That said, enjoy these last pages.
Mediafire – link dead; get the volume 13 batch below.
Or on IRC with !Narue98
CatWEax spent the last days making volume batches for the whole series, which can all be found here.
Before you download the batches:
In our inability to let go and our endless love for Narue no Sekai, we have decided to redo most of the bad chapters in the early half of the series, starting in January next year, so that we can put a full stop after this series and have a finished product that we can be proud of. If you’re a quality collector, you might want to hold off and wait for our better versions, but keep in mind that it will take us a while! If you’re impatient, go grab the batches.
Volume Batches (MF Folder)
Vol.1 Vol.2 Vol.3 Vol.4 Vol.5 Vol.6 Vol.7 Vol.8 Vol.9 Vol.10 Vol.11 Vol.12 Vol.13
Or on IRC with !NarueV01 to !NarueV13
Volume 1 includes the first six chapters done by ChaotiXubs. That group is long dead, but they got the work on this series started, so kudos to them.
All files have been renamed for consistency and are sorted by volume. The actual contents are pretty much the same as the current individual chapter releases in all their glory, except for these fixes:
- chapter 13 (volume 2) was missing three pages
- volume 6 was missing the cover (Kanaka fans rejoice)
- volume 7 had the cover joined oddly
- chapter 45 (volume 7) was missing one page on Mediafire but not on the IRC bot
You might notice a few missing pages at the end of several volumes. Those were extra pages with walls of kanji for which we didn’t and still don’t have any translations. We’ll try to come up with something for the overhaul releases.
Please tell us if you notice any other issues.
Lastly, (haha, nobody will read this) I’m leaving on a vacation from now till 7th of January. Expect no releases during that time, unless the other cool members in Overload decide to surprise me by finishing something anyway.
Sorry, I could not finish Index volume 8 in time. You will get it as soon as I’m back, promise.
CatWEax hijack, making this post even longer:
So the author arrived at the end of a long and bumpy road (that’s him in the teaser image). The first chapter came out in 1999 and the last one in December 2012, so it’s been over 13 years for him, but he managed to pull through despite his wrist pains acting up several times. While there are a few loose ends and unexplored backround stories, the series really shows the work he’s put into it, especially in the latter half.
Narue no Sekai’s one of my favourite series and got me into scanslating with chapter 86. It’s nice work, albeit quite work-intensive because I want to do a good job. I hope you consider my proofreading from chapter 86 onwards an improvement, not a… deprovement.
As Ringo already said, we just can’t let go of this series and I had the crazy idea to give the older chapters an overhaul, including the first six chapters that OS never released. While I appreciate the work on this series done by everyone in the past, the lack of experience and proofreading really shows at times. At first, I only planned to proofread and re-typeset all the odd lines and mistakes, but then Ringo offered to fix some redraws. Yesterday, I managed to rope li_er into typesetting this and now it looks like we’ll fully proofread, clean and typeset full chapters, mostly the first half of the series. This means no more downsized pages, no more crowded bubbles, less vertical text with funny punctuation and no more “aswell”. 😀 We won’t be able to make them proper quality releases and anything on the level of volume 13 is out of the question, but we’ll definitely try to make them better than they currently are. If all works out, we’ll start with chapter 1 in January next year and release chapters weekly so that we finish in two years (ouch). Look forward to it.
Rant over. Enjoy the final chapter.
Yeah, what a ride! I enjoy a lot! Thank you, Narue Staff!
Happy xmas and New Year 🙂
You’re going on vacation Ringo? Why…? Why?????????
If you’re worried about releases, especially for joint projects: I’m on release duty while Ringo is out. Not sure if anyone knows that, though. Heh.
I’m sad because Ringo is my friend :<
Wow! Thanks and congratulations for finishing this series! 😀
Thanks a lot for this great series!! 🙂
Hello, I met your site recently, my favorite series are Narue and Index, it is a pity that there is no translator in the moment for Index, hope everything is resolved soon, but I would take out a doubt, in chapter 57 – page 13 (Batoto), Touma thinks about Kanzaki “Even if she can not fight like Styil, ……………”. My English is not fluent yet, so I have this doubt, if I’m wrong when Touma thinks she is not a fighter? or if there was an accident a translation error?
anyway love your work.
And thank you for Narue.
Touma thinks that Kanzaki isn’t as good as Stiyl, but she’s still a way better fighter than him (Touma). The sentence sounds correct to me.
Yeah, the end of Narue No Sekai! Thank you for everything OS!
And yes, the author is planning to do the Yongou-chan in 2014.
Seriously, Yagi is really the Last Boss here LOL
Anyway, looking forward for the redo!
Wow, the last chapter/story is ironically a Christmas themed one, how appropriate! Thx for all your hard work on this series!
Really big thanks for picking up this series and seeing it through to the end. It ended up being a lot different than I originally thought, but it was still quite enjoyable and I’m so happy you guys brought it to us.
Thanks again, and happy holidays!
thx for all the hard work! love the manga
Thanks again for all of your work, this turned out to be a nice Christmas present.
Thanks for your hard work from beginning to the end of this series, Narue Staff!
Thank you very much for your hard work and for sticking to the series towards the end.
Well, late to the party.
Thanks for scanlating the series, men.
So the author make yongou chan and it’s a seinen? Gotta search for the raw then 😀
THANK YOU for all of Narue!!
It’s been a little while since I checked in, and wow… to see that you’ve translated and finished all of Volume 13… and thus, ending Narue! What a nice surprise.
Thank you so much for all your hard work over the years. This manga really deserved being translated into English, and after CPM stopped doing so after a couple volumes, it was really nice to see you guys take it up — and continue it to the end.
Thank you!