To Aru Majutsu no Index Chapter 63

It has been quite a while. In fact, even after I mentioned that we had a new translator, it took quite long.
When you don’t use a machine for a long while, things might get rusty next time you start it up. Machines need to run to stay in working order. But yeah, the proofer didn’t get notified, the typesetter was away and this and that. It took a while, hope the next one goes with less problems.
I welcome our new translator for Index, Kronos. Heads up, he’s also already finished 64’s translation and it is currently being checked by Hiyuki.

[To Aru Majutsu no Index Chapter 63 teaser image]
– Give kids super powers
– Make over half of them psychotic-killers
– Corkscrew dolls
This must have been their plan all along. It finally makes sense!
(Yes, lately I have had no good ideas at all for teaser images. Sorry that you have to bear with me.)

or on IRC with !TAMNI63


Next week I’ll have Aion. New Little Jumper chapter is also well on its way to completion.
Bobobo is completely stuck. Give me an extra hour in the day and I’d dedicate that to bobobo. Shame that I don’t have that hour.

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8 Responses to To Aru Majutsu no Index Chapter 63

  1. gredecleber says:

    WOW, I was longing for Index, thanks!

  2. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the new chapter!

  3. vipo says:

    Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂

  4. jrdragon2006 says:

    thank you and to your new translator 🙂
    If you guys ever need anything just message me at my FB page ”To Aru Universe”

    • RingoCygnus says:

      And ‘anything’ is referring to…? editing help? translation help? raw funding?

  5. KGuy says:

    Thanks alot for the hardwork!

  6. KaitoKief says:

    Thanks for the chapter

  7. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

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