This chapter was really nice. Wish I had finished it sooner…
Some nice fanart by Ugendou, depicting the principal and vice-principal.
Grab it from the archive, or from IRC with !Nanige14
This chapter was really nice. Wish I had finished it sooner…
Some nice fanart by Ugendou, depicting the principal and vice-principal.
Grab it from the archive, or from IRC with !Nanige14
this sure was a long wait, anyway thanks, hope next one will come soon
Isn’t the reference to Sachiko-style on pg18 (72) to the Sachiko from Ringu and her hair blocking her face? I don’t know if it also applies to the sitting down part though, because I’ve never watched any of those movies.
Well, Ringu’s character is named Sadako right? Otherwise I also would have thought that yeah
Thanks a lot for the new chapter!! 🙂