Initializing photon projector. Firing up the luminiferous aether shield. Preparing to send out Narue no Sekai to the preferred frame. Adjusting new physics. Testing the Chiral anomaly protector. Completing process. Finish deterioration of scientific terms.
So he says, with his thump up and a beard on his face.
Enjoy. Special thanks go to CmertB for helping out with some things.
Thanks for the new chapter! 😀
Thanks for the new chapter!
With his thump up =D
Definition of THUMP
transitive verb
: to strike or beat with or as if with something thick or heavy so as to cause a dull sound
: pound, knock
: whip, thrash
: to produce (music) mechanically or in a mechanical manner —usually used with out
You see where I’m getting at?
Thanks for the chapter, the story is really picking up pace.