Alyosha! Chapter 32

Alyosha’s january issue. Even though I was kinda slow (Had stuff to catch up on), it was probably the easiest Alyosha chapter that I’ve edited up till now. I can count the (excluding the small ones) redraws in this chapter on one hand.

Her eyes… different colors… Not my fault. The raw’s at fault here.

Alyosha! chapter 32

Tonari no Raenzel is next on my list- But first I’ll slack off for a bit.

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6 Responses to Alyosha! Chapter 32

  1. vipo says:

    Thanks a lot for the new chapter!!

  2. svines85 says:

    very awesome, thanks a lot for the new chapter!!

  3. anonman says:

    Heterochromia iridum?

    i would like that =D

  4. jrdp_18 says:

    Thank you!

  5. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

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