ef – A Fairy Tale of the Two Chapter 46

Weee, we actually released something.
Slowly cruising through the rest of the volume~

Nobody knows everything.

Chapter 46~


Things’ve been quiet with most nearly all of our translators busy…
So if someone bring us translations, I’ll probably edit it. Probably, cept if I really don’t like it. And I like a lot of things.

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3 Responses to ef – A Fairy Tale of the Two Chapter 46

  1. Nstas says:

    Thank you, love this series and appreciate the work done on it!

  2. GoodNight says:

    Thank you so very much. I love this series, started reading it when i saw this series got updated and I’m hooked. It’s so good and lovely and cute.

    • RingoCygnus says:

      Check out the Visual Novel as well~ The 2nd part isn’t translated yet, but the first tale (which is the first part of the manga) has been translated…

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