Little Jumper Chapter 49 (End)

[Little Jumper Chapter 49 teaser image]

Wow. If you read the whole series again after knowing what happens in these last chapters, everything suddenly makes sense!

We finally managed to finish this convoluted series of time travel. I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks goes to all the staff who helped out. Special thanks goes to Geese1 and vipo, our two only readers who thanked us for every chapter we released.

Kurosagi (translator):
Little Jumper has been an honour and a pleasure to translate. Although I did not begin the journey at the start of it all,
I’m glad to be able to see its completion. I hope that from here on, people will continue to read this magnificent tale of
time travel, comedy and romance.

Newnew145 (editor):
Five years ago, I started my scanlator work with Little Jumper. Fast forward five years, and now, here we are, at its end. There
has been hardship, but we overcame it all. I want to thank all of the staff at Overload Scans and Kurosagi for making this
possible. It has been a wild and fun ride, and I hope you enjoy this series and its end as much as I did.

As usual, get this chapter from the archive and enjoy~
We’ve got batch volumes for the whole series there as well.

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5 Responses to Little Jumper Chapter 49 (End)

  1. loala says:

    Finding out she wasn’t his daughter kinda sucked for me.

  2. vipo says:

    Thanks a lot for translating little jumper to the end!! 😀

  3. ssafdasdsad says:

    Thank you!! You’re awesome!!

  4. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for seeing this one through to the end!

  5. peace says:

    Hi, I waited this since long time ago. I was waiting it to be completely scanlated to read it. The reason is I’ve read some manga that got stopped in the middle.

    Thanks a lot for translating! At last I’ve read this, really not disappointing to wait this for years.
    This is really great manga, I’ll buy if this exists in my country!

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