Category Archives: Rewrite

Alyosha! Chapter 19

Unfortunately miscommunications have led to the delayed release of this chapter. It seems it had been done for around two weeks… Oh well. Better late then never ;). Cat-people would be so much better with cat faces and human ears… … Continue reading

Posted in Alyosha!, Announcements, Aoba Bicycle Shop, Kami-sama no Memo-chou, Mister Ajikko, Projects, Rewrite, Ro-Kyu-Bu!, Warunai | 11 Comments

Rewrite side B Chapter 05

Been a while eh? Short post, this is. Sendspace Mediafire Enjoy!

Posted in Rewrite | 6 Comments

Rewrite side B chapter 04

Hmm. New Rewrite chapter, yaaay. I love fish as well. Very healthy. Mediafire Sendspace Enjoy.

Posted in Rewrite | 3 Comments

Rewrite side B chapter 03

More Rewrite. An interesting chapter… =3 Mediafire Sendspace Enjoy.

Posted in Rewrite | 4 Comments

Rewrite side B chapter 02

And a chapter of rewrite again. Our translator has been playing the visual novel already… Mediafire Sendspace Enjoy. Now you wont be seeing me for a while but that’s a good thing. I make horrible release posts anyway so.

Posted in Rewrite | 2 Comments

Rewrite side B chapter 01 remastered

First off. We’ve got our IRC channel up again. Visit us on irc:// We’ll see you there. We like to talk with people you know… Yeah. So once the volume comes out we can replace very crappy magazine scans with … Continue reading

Posted in Rewrite | 1 Comment

Rewrite side B chapter 00

At first there was chapter 01. Then there was chapter 00. This was some sort of prequel, and we have found volume raws -> Which means we can release this. And following chapters too, of course. Credits for picture go … Continue reading

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Rewrite chapter 01

Translator: Claymore Proofer: Zekas Cleaner: Fearthelion Typesetter: Ailea QC: Hazama Yet another new series!!! And yes, it is from Visual Arts Key!! Im a big fan of them and its a shame that I only knew about ‘rewrite’ while I … Continue reading

Posted in Rewrite | 12 Comments