To Aru Majutsu no Index Chapter 32

Yay another To Aru Majutsu no Index Chapter I bet you guys were just waiting for the next chapter to be released. If you see anything wrong with this chapter of To Aru Majutsu no Index or any of the chapters let us know in the forum or just reply to this post. Also don’t forget to thank the guys who worked on this chapter to get it to you guys as fast as we did.

Well heres the latest chapter of To Aru Majutsu no Index which would have been uploaded the day before but i kinda got kidnapped lol not really kidnapped but my friends insisted on hanging out… for 2 straight days practically. Anywho make sure to go to the forums and all of that stuff and if you think you have what it takes you can join our staff and be like woah and we will be like yo and then whoosh the cool stuff happens.



Mediafire: Chapter 30-33 batch

About katimusha

I am the main admin and raw hunter for Overload Scans.
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4 Responses to To Aru Majutsu no Index Chapter 32

  1. Irisha says:


  2. Zef says:

    Thanks a bunch 🙂

  3. Audam says:


  4. mark1246 says:

    Dear Overload:

    Thank you for doing the To Aru Majutsu no index Series and a special thank to you to Js06. thank you for re-started an awesome series that was forgotten and dumb, thank you!!!!

    Please reply if you got the message, I be checking if you did, thanks

    P.S. if you really like; To Aru Majutsu no index, then you can read the novel at

    It my way of saying thank you.

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