Gamaran chapter 90

Thought I’d join in on the cat warr, bringing my personal champions, John Doe’s (aka John Bro) catgirls. Too bad they’re not in the anime (I was hoping to say “yet” here) but hey.

But I better not just post and come with hands empty, have some Gamaran for the troubles.

Mediafire: Gamaran 90

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5 Responses to Gamaran chapter 90

  1. Dauntes says:

    Thank you Gents! Been looking forward to this.

  2. katimusha says:

    I think i like your cats better

  3. Audam says:

    Of Course you do. 🙂

  4. Wat says:

    Source of cats please?

  5. SuppaiNoRingo says:

    Yumekui Merry anime. But you should read the manga, it also has the nice cats. Yumekui Merry anime is ruined by JC staff. (my opinion)

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