Look at that face. Look at this smug motherfucker. He’s got 99 problems, but women (particularly lolis) ain’t one of them.
Anyway, it’s been yet another while since I last posted anything, hasn’t it?
Well I was too busy with my job, so I couldn’t really help the group much. I just happened to quit it though, as it was stressing my hair off (literally…). Oh well, have some Rou-kyuu-buu! for now. Railgun 44 is on it’s way too, very soon.
Mediafire: Ro-Kyu-Bu! Chapter 5
Thanks for the new chapter!
Thanks for the new chapter.
I’d been looking forward to more chapters. Thanks for your hard work.
Thanks for the release. I love me some good lolis.
Thanks for the new chapter 😀