Cosertell no Ryuujutsushi Monogatari 01

Yes yes indeed, Cosertell no Ryuujutsushi Monogatari.
We’ve decided to also bring out chapters of the sequel, for the readers who’ve read the first series and can’t wait for us to reach the second. Fear not we’ll still work on the first series too. Readers that have not read the complete first series yet and are waiting for our version, it’s probably better for you to hold off on reading this.


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15 Responses to Cosertell no Ryuujutsushi Monogatari 01

  1. j0ny says:

    Thank you!

  2. fred says:

    Wow…it’s like a dream come true for me.
    I really appreciate the efforts you guys put in your series.
    Thank you very much.

  3. Andune says:

    Thank you so much for this. I’ve always loved the prequel to this so to finally see this scanlated, word’s can’t describe how happy I am!

  4. Sillvog says:

    Yes!!! Thank you so much for doing this! I really hope you plan to do “Corseltel no Ryuujitsushi – Koryuu Monogatari ” after you finish this. Thanks for all your had work on this.

  5. Henohito says:

    Yayayay, I really love this series, thank you so much for doing it at the same time.
    Really cant wait for Nata’s story in vol3.
    Again, thanks a lot.

  6. laber says:

    thank you thank you thank you! Finally someone translates the sequel.

  7. Auro says:

    So…. happy.

    Thank you so much guys for doing this o3o I have never wanted a manga to be scanlated so badly, and now I get to actually read it. So a million thank yous. Keep up the good work 😀

  8. Omochi says:

    I cannot explain how happy I was when I saw this. Thank you so much for scanlating this and cleaning up the prequel too. 😀

  9. QT says:

    Thank you Thank you Thank you! I’m so hooked on this series! And the quality of your scanlations are really great! Can’t wait to be able to read the rest!

  10. dizzcity says:

    Thank you so much! I’ve been waiting nearly 3 years for someone to scanlate the sequel. Finally, we get to continue the story. Thanks so much for the thought and effort you’re putting into this, even while working on the original series.

  11. YamiRemus says:

    Omg omg! I was waiting sooooooo much for this!! I do own the originals but I cant really read them.So when I saw that someone else got it, I started jumping up+down with joy!THANK YOU!

  12. katimusha says:

    reading all the possitive comments brings a tear to my eye not literally but on the inside lol.

  13. pseudorandom says:

    Oh yay — thank you!

  14. Audam says:

    Such a great response, we’re gonna have to work hard on this!

  15. zappyboy95 says:

    Been waiting a very long time for this one to come out, please translate more of these.

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