Kami-sama no Memo-chou Chapter 05

We’re getting closer to the heart of the case. I think.

I love the long cases in Memo-chou. Many other detective mangas have very short cases.

I never liked Dr.pepper. Terrible, far too sweet.

Oh. And apply as a cleaner or editor. We could use some more, as most of our current editors are in limbo / very busy.


Remember to apply. Anyone can learn how to clean. And enjoy the release.

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3 Responses to Kami-sama no Memo-chou Chapter 05

  1. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the release!

    Also, want to thank you guys for opening the comments back up to people who aren’t members. I haven’t been able to leave “thank-you’s” for a number of your past releases.

  2. Saracin says:

    What I like about this series is the slow introduction to the characters. It leaves some mystery to the backstories and they don’t spend a whole chapter talking about this one person. I really have to start looking into reading more light novels since it seems like some of the better manga’s and animes lately are based on them.

  3. RingoCygnus says:

    Index, memo-chou and Ryo-kyu-bu are all based on light novels from our project stack yes. Unfortunately there are not many translations for all those light novels :/ Index has active translators though.

    And yes, we didn’t actually disable those comments ourselves, not sure how it happened, seems like something that wordmess likes to do. There’s no point in guests creating an account on this word press sight, rather make one in the forum :P.

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