Kami-sama no Memo-chou Chapter 08

Chapter 08. Happy-times for Meo.

Audam’s free time increased so he’s helping out again. Yay for Audam!



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6 Responses to Kami-sama no Memo-chou Chapter 08

  1. Luger says:

    Thanks for the new chapter. 🙂

  2. Geese1 says:

    Nice; I just got done watching an episode of the anime and then I see this. 😀

    Thanks for the new chapter!

  3. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  4. serv says:

    Thanks for the new release

    if you need the raw witchcraft here http://www.filesonic.com/file/1971334564/Witchcraft_Works_10.zip

    • RingoCygnus says:

      Yeah, we’ve had the raw for a while since it came out; we’re awaiting translation. But not sure if that translation will come, it might have been a one-time thing and you gotta wait for anons or animexis to do it. Geh.

  5. Audam says:

    Can’t have enough Meo.

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