Alyosha! Chapter 17

Lately, rain’s been falling down whenever I need to go out. Shitty weather.

Yeah… … hm… She should exercise more…



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9 Responses to Alyosha! Chapter 17

  1. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  2. Grant says:

    Thanks for the new chapter.

  3. Hazama says:

    My dose of alyosha *A*

  4. NecroMac says:

    Thats really disturbing picture, you have there.
    Good chap, Thanks for translation!

  5. Audam says:

    I was totally not thinking about perverted things when I saw that picture, I swear!

  6. YuriM says:

    I’m love these crazy mangas about us – russians:)

  7. Harimau says:


    One thing, the chapter 16 mediafire download is broken. Help?

    • RingoCygnus says:

      Are you sure it’s the Chapter 16 mediafire link? I fail to find any defect in that link, nor to the file obtained trough it.

  8. Andreas says:

    the rain havent pour down here for more than a month, the heat wave are shitty for my room with broken air cond. yeah, my face pretty much like Nayuki back then, and now the rain come down. Banzai for the rain!

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