Mister Ajikko Chapter 20

So I was working in the station this morning, and some fool thought it’d be funny to leave this brown suitcase with the word ‘Bomb’ on it there. No bomb after all, that took them ~3 hours to find out. Well, good for you because now I’m releasing Ajikko earlier, about 2 hours at that. Yeah.

Recently I’ve seen the awesome movie ‘The impossible voyage’. It coined some great lines, such as ‘The heat on the surface of the sun became unbearable’ or ‘Miraculously everyone survived the crash’ (Yeah, that last one happened about… three times? Classic)

Mister Ajikko is also very classic. Screaming chefs, hot cooking battles. And that little kid that says peace.
Slightly late, but enjoy!


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4 Responses to Mister Ajikko Chapter 20

  1. APN says:

    Just as a head’s up, Volume 1 raws for CubexCursedxCurious is up on jcafe.

  2. RingoCygnus says:

    Problem there is the translator, not the raws. At the moment, we still can’t do it.

  3. Christoffer says:

    Frell yes! Go Ajikko! Thank you so much for continuing with it.

  4. kayue says:

    Thank for the yum.

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