Alyosha! Chapter 20

It’s all going slowly and sluggish lately. Sorry for that.
Brand new member cleaned and mopped this chapter up nicely, thank you Astralfox!
Theama has resigned from duty, because busy life is busy. Special thanks to her for her work in a few of the previous Alyosha chapters.



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5 Responses to Alyosha! Chapter 20

  1. molto says:

    Thx for another great chapter.

  2. anonman says:

    OMDMG! alyosha kicks serious ass!

    thanks for the chapter =)

    pd: OMDMG = Oh My Dear Manga God 😀

  3. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  4. andreas says:

    thanks for the hardwork!!

  5. tart says:

    Thanks for the new awesome chapter! LOVE THIS SERIES!

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