Toaru Majutsu no Index 53

Flash release.
Tira and I both got exams waiting for us soon, but we still made time to throw this out. Yeah we shouldn’t do this.
Joint with Riceballicious. Give them some love as well.

Index chapter 53
I need a proofer for this as well. I’m not a real proofer. I’m just some weird guy who happens to know a little bit of English.


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10 Responses to Toaru Majutsu no Index 53

  1. Okashira says:

    I could proof-read for you. I’m not a native English speaker either but I have the advantage that I’m pretty familiar with the series, I can read good chunks of the untranslated text & I have some experience proof-reading the actual novels.

    • RingoCygnus says:

      That’d be great. If you could make an account and a post at the recruitment forum I’ll have the retired proofer throw a little test at you and if you pass you’re good to go.

  2. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the new chapter!

  3. Marcelo says:

    Thank you for the Chapter, I believe that now only in late January, right?

    • RingoCygnus says:

      ‘I believe that now only in late January, right?’
      Sorry, I fail to comprehend your question. What is supposed to happen / come in late January?

      • Marcelo says:

        I referred to the next chapter.

        • RingoCygnus says:

          Well not any earlier then january yeah. But I have no clue when the translator has time to translate another chapter, so I can’t say.

  4. auriga says:

    Thanks for the chapter, and good luck on those exams! 😀

  5. KaitoKief says:

    Thanks for the chapter

  6. Gaze of Providence says:

    That was rather unexpected, but thank you, nonetheless.

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