Little Jumper Chapter 17

This is the first of the “new series” I mentioned in the last post. And that’s actually incorrect as this is not entirely “new” to us, we did three chapters of Little Jumper before. In any case, lots of thanks go to Newnew145 and Kurosagi -I’d also like to welcome Newnew145 to our staff here, which he entered as the proofreader for Little Jumper- Hope we can keep working on it.

Little Jumper Chapter 17


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6 Responses to Little Jumper Chapter 17

  1. Deject says:

    I’m in too much shock to say thanks. You can take it as such though.

  2. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the new chapter!

    Hope this series is able to get a more consistent run than it’s had in the past.

  3. gnomercy says:

    Awesome. Thanks for (re-)picking this up.

  4. Devsxc says:

    Tank you soo much for picking again this series, I’m really gratefull to you to continue with it!

  5. r2d5 says:

    Can someone post all previous chapters cuz the respective scanlators dead now, thx in advance?

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