Man. This took long. Next one will probably faster… a little itty bit.
Be sure to thank Riceballicious as well.
And this is the first release of Cakemate, our new proofer for Index. Huzzah!
About P11 – We took it apart word for word and tried to make something sensible while not changing the original meaning. Sorry if it’s still a bit awkward.
While looking up the OS thing on page 11, we came across jesOS, a christian OS. I was amused.
Index chapter 54
Thanks for the new chapter!
thank you for the chapter!
Thanks for the new chapter! 😀
Thanks for the chapter
Yay, a new chapter; thank you!
Thanks for the chapter
It’s actually a hoax OS.
The “Landover Baptist” bit at the bottom gives it away.
Landover Baptist is a site that parodies what they imagine southern American evangelicals are like. A “The Onion” for irreligionists.
The New York Times, MSNBC, Richard Dawkins and Washington Post have all fallen for their satire and posted articles about them believing them to be genuine.
Their success lies in pandering to the preconceptions and animosities of their readers, which allows them to indulge their enmity.
And thanks for the chapter
Of course it´s a hoax. But it´s still quite amusing. They´re actually quite elaborate about the OS on their site.
Looks like my hardisk is full of “demons”
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter