To Aru Majutsu No Index Chapter 57

last chapter of the volume. No new raws for the next volume / chapter yet unfortunately, so we’ll have to wait…
Joint with Riceballicious.

index chapter 57


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13 Responses to To Aru Majutsu No Index Chapter 57

  1. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the release!

  2. KaitoKief says:

    Thanks for the chapter

  3. Acernos says:

    thanks for the chapter, and do not want to be boring and not a bother, but considering they already do months that volume 11 came out in Japan and not in the net, if it really did not leave the project will be canceled?

  4. Acernos says:

    sorry the writing errors.

  5. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  6. Marcelo says:

    and if you decide to work with them and the need for good quality colored pages, you can find them here:

    I hope have helped.

    • RingoCygnus says:

      Ah well, I was talking about workable raws.
      It’s not really worth doing if it looks like crap. Basically we can’t do anything with that. At least nothing that results in a product that I would want to release.
      But rest assured, we’ll get back on it soon enough – there has been talk about buying the raws. Anyhow, translator is busy as well – it’ll just be a small break for us all.

      • Marcelo says:

        “there has been talk about buying the raws. Anyhow, translator is busy as well ”

        I would not bother to help if needed.

  7. Marcelo says:

    and sorry for the repetitive comments, promise you that it is the last.

    Besides the volumes comes with chapters that sometimes have more pages than the version of the magazine and even scenes redrawn, then I agree with you on wanting to maintain quality.

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