Hekikai no Aion Chapter 36

A lot of things took a bit longer on pretty much every step of the process, but we can finally end volume 9 now.
Joint with Fairy Tail
We got some great raws from a private raw provider, which is why it looks so much better than our previous releases.

[Hekikai no Aion Chapter 36 teaser image]

Chapter 37 before the end of September? I hope so… (We should really try to speed things up.)

At the moment only on IRC with !Aion36. Contact us if you’re having problems with that.


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4 Responses to Hekikai no Aion Chapter 36

  1. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the chapter!

  2. nameless retard says:

    well, thanks for picking this up
    foun out now, so I got 3 ch at once

  3. vipo says:

    Thanks a lot for the new chapter!!

  4. MZeroX says:

    been over a year since i ran into this manga, and i thought there wasn’t any hope at a revival of tls. Thanks so much for the release!

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