Sekai Seifuku Sekirara Jogakukan Chapter 24

This is the end… My only friend, the end…
(Yes, I have a thing for “The Doors”.)

We’re nearly there because there’s an extra chapter left after this. Look forward to that; it’ll be released in two weeks.

[Sekai Seifuku Sekirara Jogakukan Chapter 24 teaser image]
(This is the product of combining our differing ideas about the teaser image.)
The world of Sekirara stays terrifying till the very end.

or on IRC with !SSSJ24

And what did we think of the chapter? Personally, I think that as a standalone chapter it’s quite enjoyable but not fitting as an end. General consensus within the group (as far as I know) seems to be “Series finale where?!”

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2 Responses to Sekai Seifuku Sekirara Jogakukan Chapter 24

  1. vipo says:

    Thanks a lot for the release!! 🙂

  2. MZeroX says:

    Yeah, that end felt like it was cancelled or something. That being said, it’s hard to say that this manga had an overall plot anyways, so there’s not much you can actually ask for. Thanks for the work on it!

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