Recruitment and Project Status

As you might’ve noticed, releases have been even slower than usual recently. Some of our staff quit and some are currently unavailable for other reasons, so we really need need some new recruits to get back into action.

We’re actually so slow, that some other group decided to pick up one of our projects that we’re still working on. Thanks a lot for not offering us your help, guys.

Anyway, to stop more people from thinking that we vanished off the face of the earth (which we haven’t), here’s a more verbose project status list with attached recruitment drive. We’re also planning to migrate some of our projects to Gimp, so even if you don’t like Photoshop, there’s no more reason to hold back applying. 🙂

Tonari no Nanige-san
We’re working on it and it’s our top priority at the moment. There’s only a few chapters left, so we really want to finish it. We’ve got several chapters cleaned and some translated, but we could use a typesetter for this. Without a new typesetter, we’re slowly typesetting it ourselves. Gimp users – experienced or novice – very much welcome. Position taken, hopefully.

Currently needs both a typesetter and a cleaner. Our translator wants to continue this very much, but we’ll probably finish Nanige-san first, so this will probably delayed. If any other group wants to help out with a cleaner or typesetter, we’d be interested in a joint.

Imori 201
Needs a cleaner; we’ve got everything else.

Little Jumper
Needs a Photoshop-capable redrawer and QCer, I think, to fix some things left over from the current editor. The next chapter is as good as done, except for a few fixes.

Mister Ajikko
Next chapter is almost done. More info on this soon.

Magicannon Girl Yongou-chan
We’ve got raws and translations for the whole volume but no editor. I’ll get back to it once we finish some of our series that are almost done. Recruits and joints welcome.

Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo
Haven’t heard anything from the staff working on it. 🙁 I doubt anyone else would want to pick it up, though.

Our translator vanished, so we need a new one. We’ve got loads of raws and the next chapter is already fully cleaned. Joints welcome.

Narue no Sekai v2
I’d really like to finish that, but to be honest, I doubt that’ll happen anytime soon.

If you want to help us with any of our projects, especially the ones where we’ve got some work done already, contact us by mail, on the forum or on IRC. Experience is welcome but not required, except maybe for the LJ redrawer position.

If any other group feels the urge to pick up any of our projects, please talk to us first. We don’t like the work we already did being wasted.

This entry was posted in Announcements, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Imori 201, Kumamiko, Little Jumper, Mister Ajikko, Narue no Sekai, Ro-Kyu-Bu!, Tonari no Nanige-san, Yongou. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Recruitment and Project Status

  1. Casiopea95 says:


    I am Casiopea95 a member of Venezuela no fansub, I believe that I can help you with cleaning and typesetting of Kumamiko project.

    You can send pm at mail direction.


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