Always obey the rules of the road, alright?
Get your overly safe driving from the archive and enjoy~
Always obey the rules of the road, alright?
Get your overly safe driving from the archive and enjoy~
Get your omnomnom from the archive and enjoy~
Here it is, the end of Nanige-san. We finally made it. It didn’t even take us two years for the last volume. 😛
This certainly was a rough ride with lots of staff leaving, some unannounced, including the project leader. But we somehow managed to pull through because Nanige is just that awesome.
Thanks to all the staff who helped out and tried to pull this project along, especially the translator Joshlemagne, who somehow managed to endured our never-ending delays.
A message from CptNameless, our pinch hitter typesetter who saved the project on the homestretch:
I’m just happy I could help and sorry for the delays.
Get the last chapter from the archive and enjoy~
… and whenever you see someone in trouble, be their Nanige and help out. 🙂
Solid work, Kawashima.
Get the chapter on the archive and enjoy~
Nanige and Ajikko coming soon too, for some reason.
Summertime Nanige is minding the pool.
Nobody wants to help us out typesetting, so releases are still slow. One chapter of Nanige-goodness to go~
Get the chapter from the archive and enjoy~
Finally it’s time for the last volume. Thanks to long-time reader Geese1 for sponsoring the raws for it.
Print quality of this volume is pretty bad. Some pages have dark dots all over and it’s not our fault. :<
Of course, we didn’t get a new cleaner, so we didn’t have anyone to clean them off. Instead, the typesetter did his best to do the cleaning as well. If you want faster releases, come apply on our forum.
Do you like the Lord of the Breasts? I hope you do, because this is her chapter.
Get the chapter from the archive and enjoy~
Man, that dish at the end of the chapter looks quite unsettling.
Grab the chapter from the archive and enjoy~
Let’s face it: Some of our projects are dead because the staff supposedly working on them left. :-/
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo – Staff’s not replying to my messages and I haven’t heard anything from them for over eight months. If you guys want to continue this, please contact me.
Narue no Sekai v2 – We’ve already finished this, but we wanted to give some chapters an overhaul. After RingoCygnus left, I don’t have the time to do it all by myself.
Ro-Kyu-Bu! – The original translator went AWOL. We managed to find a replacement after a while but he never managed to deliver a single chapter and vanished. The second replacement also vanished before delivering a single chapter. I’ve got chapter 14 fully cleaned and redrawn but no translation for it. Nobody likes moe basketball, I guess. 🙁 Looking for a reliable translator to pick this back up.
Here’s a random image of the RKB girls looking awesome.
Our cleaner for this project left unexpectedly, so we’re urgently recruiting a cleaner for this project. No experience required; Photo$hop and Gimp are fine.
Grab the chapter from the archive and enjoy~
We also have a batch for volume 4 there.
Get your recipe for desaster from the archive and enjoy~