Narue no Sekai Chapter 78

Okay… This was actually done… on Saturday the 23rd. Yep, last week.
Now why did we only release it now?
Since this is the end of volume 11, it contains some extras, and aside from the usual comic it had these pages with mecha galls explaining sci-fi stuff to us. It mostly consisted of a huge wall of text (Mostly kanjis) with a few pictures. I, in all my stupidity, kinda asked/begged Hiyuki to translate these extras, not really considering the huge amount of work that would go in it. So I held the release back from then till now, but she couldn’t finish it yet. So I’ll just release this now and maybe those few pages will see the light of the day once. Maybe.

She really loves to hurt him, doesn’t she? Not that he doesn’t deserve it. Sometimes.



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8 Responses to Narue no Sekai Chapter 78

  1. Geese1 says:

    Thanks for the new chapter!

  2. auriga says:

    Thanks for the new chapter! 😀

  3. GredeKleber says:

    Thank you for the chapter!

    Ps: I found a site that has the raw chapters 53, 54, 57 and 58 index, of course I’m not asking them to be released or anything, but if you guys want adiatar these translations to come out when the volume 10 work is lower. well, I’m just trying to help. if the site is useful here:

    • RingoCygnus says:

      We don’t need 53 + at the moment. We need 51 and 52. Translator is not ‘our’ translator, I don’t even had any contact with the guy in the past.

  4. GredeKleber says:

    adiatar = advance

  5. Longhaul says:

    So the next volume is the most recent? Many thanks once again!

  6. Rin-chan says:

    No problem on the delay… thanks so much for the new chapter, and am looking forward to seeing all those goodies at the end too!

  7. mambo says:

    Finally vol 11 translation is finished

    Time to spoil the content of vol 12!!! :trollface:

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